Sunday 13 October 2013

சச்சினை கொண்டாட பத்து இணையதளங்கள்!.

எப்போது? எப்போது? என கிரிக்கெட் ரசிகர்கள் எல்லோருமே எதிர்பார்த்திருந்த‌து தான்:ஆனால் யாருமே விரும்பாதது நிகழ்ந்திருக்கிறது. 200 வது டெஸ்ட்டுடன் ஓய்வு பெற போவதாக கிரிக்கெட்டின் கடவுள் சச்சின் டெண்டுல்கர் அறிவித்திருகிறார்

24 ஆண்டுகள் இந்திய கிரிக்கெட்டுக்கு சச்சின் தான் எல்லாமுமாக இருந்திருக்கிறார். கிரிக்கெட்டுக்கு மட்டுமா, கிரிக்கெட்டை ஒரு மதமாக கருதும் தேசத்தில் அவரது சாதனைகள் ஏமாற்றங்களுக்கும் சோதனைகளுக்கும் ஆறுதலாக அமைந்துள்ளன.சச்சின் மைதானத்தில் சுடர்விட்ட நாட்களில் எல்லாம் நூறு கோடி மக்களை கொண்ட தேசமே தனனை மறந்து கொண்டாடி மகிழ்ந்திருக்கிற‌து.

13 - sachin god


இந்திய கிரிக்கெட்டில் ,ஏன் உலக கிரிக்கெட்டில் வேறு எந்த வீரரையும் விட அதிகமாக சாதித்து அதைவிட அதிகமான தாக்கத்தை ஏற்படுத்திய டெண்டுல்கரை கொண்டாடி மகிழும் வகையில் அவரைப்பற்றிய பத்து சிறந்த இணையதளங்களை இங்கே தொகுத்திருக்கிறோம.

1. சச்சின் வாக்கு.(

எண்கள் தான் சச்சனுக்கு நெருக்கமானவை. டெஸ்ட்டிலும் ஒரு நாள் போட்டிகளிலும் அவர் நிகழ்த்தியுள்ள சாதனைகளின் எண்ணிக்கை ,சச்சின் எனும் கிரிக்கெட் அற்புதத்துக்கு சாட்சி. ஆனால் சாதனைகளை விட வியப்பை ஏற்படுத்தும் விஷயம் சச்சினின் பணிவு.கிரிக்கெட்டில் அவருக்கு இருக்கும் ஈடுபாடு. சச்சினின் வார்த்தைகள் மூல்மே இவை பலமுறை வெளிப்பட்டுள்ளன. பல்வேறு பேட்டிகளில் சச்சின் கூறிய கருத்துக்கள் மேற்கோள்களாக புகழ் பெற்ற பிரைனிகோட்ஸ் தளத்தில் தொகுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. உதாரணத்துக்கு இந்த மேற்கோளை பாருங்கள்; “என் வாழ்க்கை முழுவதும்,பள்ளியில் கூட, நான் ஓடுவதற்கு யாரையும் வைத்து கொண்டது இல்லை, காரணம் பந்தை அடிக்கும் போது அது எத்தனை உறுதியாக் செல்லும் ,எங்கே செல்லும் என்று எனக்கு மட்டுமே தெரியும்,ஓடுபவருக்கு தெரியாது”. மேலும் பல சச்சொஇன் மொழிகளை இங்கே படித்து சச்சின் எனும் மனிதரின் மகத்துவத்தை வியந்து போற்றுங்கள்.

2. சச்சின் பற்றி ஒபாமா.

சச்சின் பற்றி பாராட்டாத கிரிக்கெட வீரர்கள்,விமரசகர்களே கிடையாது.மேத்யூ ஹைடன் “நான் கடவுளை பார்த்திருக்கிறேன் அவர் இந்திய அணியில் நான்காவது நிலையில் ஆடுகிறார் ” என கூறியது அவரைப்பற்றிய மேர்கோள்களின் சிகரம். சரி அமெரிக்க அதிபர் ஒபாமா சச்சின் பற்றி கூறியிருக்கிறாரா? இப்படி ஒரு சுவாரஸ்யமான கேள்வி புகழ்பெற்ற கேள்விபதில் தளமான குவோராவில் எழுப்பட்டுள்ளது. இந்த கேள்விக்கான பதில் இல்லை என்பதே. குவோராவில் சச்சின் பற்றி கேட்க்ப்பட்டுள்ள மற்றொரு கேள்வி ‘சச்சின் இஸ்லாமியராக இருந்திருந்தால் இந்த அளவுக்கு கொண்டாடப்பட்டிருப்பாரா? என்பது. இந்த கேள்விக்கான பதில் இந்தியாவின் பெருமையை உணர்த்துகிறது. ஆம் என்பதே அந்த பதில் விரிவான பதிலுக்கு பார்க்க… (

3.சச்சின் \பிராட்மேன்.

கிரிக்கெட் வாழ்க்கை முழுவதும் சச்சின் பல மக்த்தான வீரரோடு ஒப்பிட்டு பேசப்பட்டுள்ளார். லாரா, பாண்டிங் என நீளும் இந்த பட்டியலில் அதிக அளவில் இடம் பெறுவது கிரிக்கெட் பிதாமகன் பிராட்மேன் தான். சச்சின்\பிராட்மேனில் யார் சிறந்தவர். இந்த ஒப்பீட்டுக்கு எண்ணிக்கைகளால் பதில் அளிக்கிறது தி ரோர்.காம் கட்டுரை. பிராட்மேனே சிறந்தவர் என புள்ளிவிவர ஒப்பீட்டால் இந்த கட்டுரை நிறுவினாலும் அது ஒரு பகுதி உண்மையே என்பதை இதில் இடம்பெறாத சச்சினின் சாதனைகள் சொல்லும். (

4. யார் இந்த சச்சின்?

சச்சின் யார் என்று யாரேனும் கேட்பார்களா? இன்டெர்ட்டில் கேட்டிருக்கின்றனர். ஆனால் இதில் கோபப்பட ஏதுமில்லை. கிரிக்கெட்டை அதிகம் அறியாதவர் கூட சச்சின் பற்றி கேள்விபடும் நிலை இருப்பதால் , சச்சினை அறியாதவர்களுக்கு அவரை அறிமுகம் செய்வதற்காக இந்த கேள்விகளும் பதில்களும் . (

5. சச்சின் சாதனை படங்கள்.

சச்சினின் கம்பீர புகைப்படங்களை பார்த்து ரசிப்பதை வித சச்சின் அபிமானிகளுக்கு உற்சாகம் தரக்கூடியது எது? அல்ஜசிரா சச்சினின் மிகச்சிறந்த புகைபப்டங்களை தொகுத்து தந்திருக்கிறது. (

6. சச்சின் வீடியோ.

சச்சின் பேட் செய்வதை பார்ப்பதை விட பரவ‌சம் ஏது. சச்சின் பற்றிய யூடியூப் வீடியோ தொகுப்பு இந்த பரவசத்தை தருகிறது. (ய் ) இதே போல் ஒரு நாள் போட்டியில் சச்சின் இரட்டை சதத்தை கண்டு மகிழ‌…

7. என்ன ஒரு வீரர்.

சச்சின் ஓய்வு பெற்றது பற்றி கிரிக்கெட் பிரபலங்கள் தெரிவித்த கருத்துக்களின் தொகுப்பு. ( )

8. சச்சின் சரிதை.

சச்சின் பற்றி விக்கிபீடியா கட்டுரை விரிவாக இருக்கிற‌து. கிரிகின்போ அறிமுகம் புள்ளிவிவரங்களை துல்லியமாக தடுகிறது. திரைப்பட களஞ்சியமான ஐஎம்டிபியிலும் சச்சின் பற்றிய அறிமுகம் இருக்கிற‌து தெரியுமா? ( )

9. சச்சின் விமர்சிக்கப்படுவது ஏன்?

சச்சின் கொண்டாடப்படுகிறார். ஆனால் அவர் விமர்சனத்திற்கும் ஆளாகியிருக்கிறார். சச்சின் விமர்சிக்கப்படுவது ஏன்? இந்த கேள்விக்கு உளவியல் நோக்கில் பதில் தருகிறது இந்த வலைப்பதிவு. (

10.சச்சினுக்கு பிறகு?

ஒவ்வொரு கிரிக்கெட ரசிகனும் கேட்கும் கேள்வி தான். இந்த கேள்விக்கான கொஞ்சம் சுவாரஸ்யமான பதில் இதோ…
சச்சின் பற்றி செயலிகளும் அநேகம் இருக்கின்றன. அவை பற்றி தனிப்பதிவே எழுதலாம்.

பட்ஜெட் விலையில் ஸ்மார்ட் போன்கள்!

அடிப்படை மற்றும் சிறப்பான வசதிகளுடன் கூடிய பட்ஜெட் விலையில் கிடைக்கும் ஸ்மார்ட் போன்கள் பட்டியலிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.

1. Samsung Galaxy Fame:

3ஜி, வை-பி, இரண்டு கேமரா, 3.5 அங்குல டச் ஸ்கிரீன், இரண்டு சிம், 1,300 பேட்டரி, ஜெல்லி பீன் 4.1 என சில குறிப்பிடத்தக்க அம்சங்கள் கொண்ட இந்த போன் விலை ரூ. 8,450.

2. LG Optimus L4 II Dual: 

இரண்டு சிம், 512 எம்.பி. ராம் மெமரி, 1 கிகா ஹெர்ட்ஸ் ப்ராசசர், ஜெல்லி பீன் 4.1.சிஸ்டம், 3.8 அங்குல திரை என நல்ல அம்சங்களுடன் கொண்ட இந்த போன் கடைகளில் ரூ.8,800க்குக் கிடைக்கிறது.

3. Nokia Lumia 520:

இது ஒரு விண்டோஸ் சிஸ்டம் கொண்ட போன்.
மல்ட்டி டச் வசதி கொண்ட 4 அங்குல திரை. 5 எம்.பி. கேமரா, டூயல் கோர் எஸ்4 ப்ராசசர், 512 எம்.பி. ராம், 1430mAh திறன் கொண்ட பேட்டரி இதில் உள்ளது. சில்லரை வர்த்தகர்களிடம் இதன் விலை ரூ. 9,900.

4. Panasonic T11:

நல்ல விரைவான செயல்பாட்டிற்க்கு குவாட் கோர் ப்ராசசர், 2 கிகா ஹெர்ட்ஸ் சிப்செட், ஜெல்லி பீன் 4.1, 4 அங்குல ஐ.பி.எஸ். டச் ஸ்கிரீன், 5 எம்.பி.கேமரா, 1500 mAh திறன் கொண்ட பேட்டரி, 1 ஜி.பி. ராம் மெமரி என அம்சங்கள் கொண்ட இந்த போன் ரூ.9,250க்குக் கிடைக்கிறது.

5. Micromax Canvas Fun A76:

1.2 கிகா ஹெர்ட்ஸ் வேக ப்ராசசர், ஜெல்லி பீன் 4.2., டச் ஸ்கிரீன் 5 அங்குல அகலத்தில், 5 எம்.பி.கேமரா, 2000 mAh திறன் கொண்ட பேட்டரி கொண்ட இந்த மொபைல் போனை ரூ.8,300க்கு வாங்கலாம்.

புதிய Android 4.4 KitKat இயங்குதளத்தின் படங்கள்!

கூகுள் நிறுவனத்தினால் அறிமுகப்படுத்தி குறுகிய காலத்தில் பிரபல்யம் அடைந்த இயங்குதளம் அன்ரொயிட் ஆகும்.

தற்போது இதன் புதிய பதிப்பான Android 4.4 KitKat அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்படவுள்ளது.

இந்நிலையில் இதன் பயனரை் இடைமுகம்(User Interface) தொடர்பான சில படங்கள்(Screen Shots) வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.

இவ் இயங்குதளத்தினைக் கொண்ட முதல் சாதனமாக Google Nexus 5 வெளிவரவுள்ளமை குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.

பேஸ்புக்கிலிருந்து காணாமற் போகும் தேடல் வசதி!

உலகின் முன்னணி சமூகவலைத்தளமாக திகழும் பேஸ்புக் ஆனது தொடர்ச்சியாக பல்வேறு புதிய அம்சங்களை தனது பயனர்களுக்காக அறிமுகப்படுத்தி வந்தது.

இருந்தும் சில சந்தர்ப்பங்களில் பாதுகாப்பு காரணங்களுக்காக சில அம்சங்களை நீக்கிவிடுவதுண்டு. 

இதன் ஒரு அங்கமாக கடந்த டிசம்பர் மாதம் நண்பர்களை தேடும்போது அவர்களின் புரபைல் பெயர்களை காட்டாதவாறு மாற்றம் செய்யும் வசதியை நிறுத்தியிருந்தது. 

அதே போல தற்போது இந்த வசதியினை (Search Privacy Setting) முற்றிலுமாக நிறுத்தப்போவதாக கடந்த வியாழக்கிழமை பேஸ்புக் நிறுவனம் அறிவித்துள்ளது.

How to Check Your Antivirus is Working?

Here is a common method to determine if your antivirus program is working properly or not. Some of you may know it already, but for the beginner (noobs) this can be informative.

► Open Notepad and copy/paste the Code given below.


The text should be in one horizontal line.

Then save file as "" including quotation-marks.

After some seconds saving this file, your Anti-Virus should notify you with the message that this file is infected with a virus asking permission for its deletion/clean.

This file is secure and it’s not going to infect your computer in any way. It is a standard text developed by the European Institute for Computer Anti-virus Research (EICAR). Every Anti-Virus is programmed to load this file as a virus.

If your Anti-Virus did not detect this file as a virus, a program will appear as DOS window with this text EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE.

If this happens then you should probably find a better Anti-Virus. It means that your PC might already be infected with viruses and your current Anti-Virus does not recognize them.

Control Your Computer with Your Voice Dragon Naturally Speaking 12!

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12, the world’s most accurate and best-selling voice recognition software. Dragon ignites new levels of productivity and convenience by enabling you to interact and control your PC by voice, create and edit documents, cruise through email, surf the Web and more by simply speaking.

Dragon 12 has more than 100 new features and enhancements so you can stop typing and start talking to get more done in less time. Dragon 12 boasts a 20 percent improvement to out-of-the-box accuracy, faster speeds and even more ways to customize your experience by allowing you to specify preferences and
commands. In addition, Dragon 12 now features enhanced support for Gmail and Hotmail, and extends support for the free Dragon Remote Microphone App experience to Android devices so you can use Dragon no matter where life takes you.

Dragon is already used by millions of consumers worldwide, and is the core technology powering an
innovative portfolio of voice technologies, including Dragon Dictation, Dragon Go!, Dragon TV, Dragon
Drive! and Dragon ID.

What’s New in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12?

Even More Accurate
Enhanced Web Mail
Faster Than Ever
Interactive Tutorial
Wideband Bluetooth Support
Smart Format RulesMore Natural Text-to-SpeechFaster CorrectionDragon Remote Mic – Now for Android

Control Your Digital World by Voice Using the World's Best-Selling Speech Recognition Software for the PC

Google Maps Gets Updated 3D Imagery For 50 U.S. Cities!

Google today announced one of its largest updates to Google Maps’ 3D imagery since it launched last year. The service now covers a number of additional cities that weren’t included in the previous releases. Most of these are smaller towns like Las Cruces, NM and Bend, OR. The company also released updated imagery for a number of cities, including, for example, San Francisco, CA.

Here is a full list of towns with new or updated 3D imagery:

Anniston, AL; Auburn, AL; Barstow, CA; Bastrop, TX; Bend, OR; Birmingham, AL; Boulder City, NV; Buffalo Core, NY; Cape Girardeau, MO; Casper, WY; Cheyenne, WY; Chicago, IL; Chico, CA; College Station, OH; Delano, CA; Desert Hot Springs, CA; Dubuque, IA; Edmonton, NY; Enid, OK; Farmington, NM; Grand Forks, ND; Grand Junction, CO; Great Falls, MT; Hanford, CA; Healdsburg, CA; Helendale, CA; Hot Springs, AR; Idaho Falls, ID; Kelso, WA; Killeen, TX; Las Cruces, NM; Lawton, OK; Leeds, OK; Madera, CA; Malibu, CA; Merced, CA; Modesto, CA; Ocala, FL; Odessa, TX; Ojai, CA; Picture Rocks, AZ; Pittsburgh, PA; Prescott, AZ; Rapid City, SD; Redding, CA; Riverside, CA; San Angelo, TX; San Francisco, CA; St George, UT; Texarkana, TX; Twentynine Palms, CA; Victoria, TX; Winnipeg, TX; Yuba City, CA.

With this update, Google is clearly on a path to bring 3D imagery to the majority of larger U.S. cities, something it promised to do when it first launched this service last year.

Microsoft, which previously featured 3D imagery in its mapping service but then dropped it in Bing Maps, also recently announced that it will add 3D building to its mapping product again. These images, Microsoft says will be newly captured just for this new 3D feature. Microsoft, we hear, plans to launch its 3D imagery for about 100 cities, but it’s not clear if those will all be in the U.S. or if this will be an international launch. The first demo I saw of Microsoft’s service easily rivals Google’s imagery.

How To Run Whatsapp In Your PC!

Today We Are Sharing How To Run Whatsapp In PC their are may ways to run Whatsapp In PC and  their are may appication to run Whatsapp In PC but we came simple methotd to run whats App in your PC.Whatsapp is one of the famous messengers in android for SmartPhone and you can also see Safe Your Android Gadgets With Best Antivirus.

Whatsapp Messenger is currently available for almost all leading SmartPhone Operating Systems like Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry.when you installing Whatsapp In Your PC You Can Get complete access and send messages to our friends from Yor PC.

Do You Want To Install Whatsapp In Your PC You Can follow Some step:

Install Whatsapp on PC Step By Step:

1.First you Bluestacks Download and

2.Install Bluestacks application on your PC 

3.When Bluestacks Intall your Pc You can search For Whatsapp

4.Now click Whatsapp to download it.

5.Now Click on Whatsapp and fill your details

   And Enjoy

How to Make a Photo Slideshow for Blogger/WordPress Post

Blogger gives you the ability to publish photos on your blog using a slideshow, which automatically rotates pictures on your page. These animated images are an entertaining feature for your visitors, and they give you the opportunity to create eye-catching displays out of your media. As long as you have your photos hosted on a photo management service, such as Flickr or Photobucket, you can build a slideshow using Blogger's slideshow gadget.

First, we capture them in pictures. Then we use social media, blogs and websites to make them visible for friends or a larger audience. If you use Blogger, make the most of it and post a nice  photo slideshow on it .

You can make a photo slideshow with PhotoSnack:

1. Go to PhotoSnack and log in

2. Upload photos
3. Choose a template and customize the settings

4. Publish – Copy the embed code

How to Run, Download Android Apps for PC (Windows/Mac)!

There are three things which must be done to play or run android apps on pc and they are written below:

→ First you have to download android apps for pc which you want to run on your PC or computer.
→ Then you need to download an emulator which will run android apps on PC.
→ Then you need to install android apps on pc and run it using the emulator.

How to download android apps for pc?

There are no special android apps for pc; you can run any android app on PC by using an emulator like Bluestacks or IntelAppUp. Remember, some apps might not be compatible with the software. So downloading android apps for pc is not so tough. Just go to Google and search for the apk file of android app you want to install on PC and then download it. You can skip this step and try alternate method also, which is explained below

How to Download Emulator to run android apps for pc?

You can download any android emulator for PC either Bluestacks or IntelAppUp from the following links.

Download Bluestacks OR Download IntelAppUp

After downloading install those on your PC and open them now search the android apps you want to play, from search box. By doing this you need not to download android apps for PC as explained in step 1.

How to install android apps on PC?

To install android apps on pc  type in search box of emulator and download those. Otherwise if you have downloaded android apps on pc as explained in step 1, you can open those apps with any of these emulators and they will be installed on your PC.

How to Play or Run android apps on PC?

To run android apps for pc, search the installed file and open it by clicking twice. Your android app will be opened on your PC  Now you can play android apps on pc  Share your views about android apps for pc.

How To Turn On WiFi In Windows 8 With Command Prompt!

Who says Microsoft didn’t include Wi-Fi feature in windows 8. They actually included this feature but it’s kind of hidden from users. Windows 7 users easily create Wi-Fi hotspot because they have this feature already visible in the network connection. But for windows 8 users it’s not visible their so they suffer to share internet with their Wi-Fi devices. You won’t suffer after read this post. There are many ways to create hotspot in windows 8 either you can use command prompt or a software to turn on Wi-Fi in windows 8.

Enable WiFi with command prompt

First make sure you got the correct driver installed in your computer you can check your driver compatibility. Open command prompt and write the command line: netsh wlan show drivers
If it’s says Hosted network support: yes then you can continue or in case it says Hosted network support: No then you must update your WiFi driver or change Wi-Fi adapter.

 → Open command prompt as administrator
→ Type the command line given below:
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=name key=password
→ Now turn on your Wi-Fi if it’s off and enable your Wi-Fi adapter
→ Type the command given below to start your hosted network
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork
→ It will display the hosted network started. Now close command prompt
→ Open Control panel and set it to view by large icon
→ Now select Network and Sharing Center you will see your newly created wifi network
  → Click Change adapter settings and select properties of your default network
 → Click sharing tab and check on check the 
option “Allow other network users to connect through this internet’s connection" and select your recently created network name under Home networking connection.

Note: replace name with any name you would like to have as a Wi-Fi hotspot name and use any password. Make sure your ssid name and password contain more than 8 digit or character.
That’s it now enjoy your wireless network with your Wi-Fi devices like android, iPhone and laptop etc.

How to Install Android Apps from the Google Play Website!


Installing Android apps to your phone or tablet from any computer with a web browser

Google is one of the biggest web service companies around. Their cloud-based apps and services can do some pretty wild and wonderful things, and we're about to look at one of them -- installing apps to your Android device remotely through the Google Play website.

All the complicated issues, like making sure apps are compatible and available for you, or keeping track of which device(s) you're currently using are done by Google behind-the-scenes, leaving us with just a few clicks needed to make some serious magic happen. All you need is an Android device registered with Google Play, and a computer with a modern web browser.

There's a complete video walkthrough of the process after the break, but we'll spend a few minutes and talk about it as well. This is the way I install almost all my apps, because I only have to find them once and can install them to any device I may have in service. It goes a little something like this.

Visit our Google Play mini-site for everything there is to know about Google Play

Point your browser at the Google Play website, and and choose Android apps from the "Shop" drop down in the upper left corner. You're whisked to the Android app store, where you'll find a slew of apps ready and waiting for you to install to your Android device. Finding the right app (the hardest part of the process sometimes) is up to you, but you'll notice plenty of blocks of featured apps, as well as a category list. Once you find the app you need to install, you're almost done!

On the apps page, near the left margin, click the Install button. You're presented with some information about the app you chose to install including those important app permissions and a drop down to select which device to install it to. If you only have one Android device you're all set, but if you have more than one just choose the right one from the list. Once that's done, click the continue button. If it's a paid app you'll be presented with payment options, and it will walk you through the process. 

Afterwards, all that's left is to grab your Android device and enjoy your newly installed app.

How to Get Android 4.3 On Your Nexus Device!

Google unveiled the second generation Nexus 7 tablet with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean at an event in San Francisco on Wednesday. The update is an incremental one when it comes to user facing changes, but brings a number of new features under the hood.

While the updated OS will ship with the new Nexus 7 tablet, Google has announced that it has started rolling out the Android 4.3 update to Nexus devices including the original Nexus 7 tablet, the Nexus 10 tablet, and Nexus 4 and Galaxy Nexus smartphones.

The update will be available over the air through the Settings menu on the devices. It will roll out gradually and it could take weeks before it reaches all devices. Our Galaxy Nexus smartphone has not received the update, at the time of writing this post.

You can also force your device to check for updates by going to the Apps menu from the Settings, and finding the Google Services Framework app. You can then tap on 'Clear data' and 'Force stop' options and check for the update again from the About settings menu. This doesn't harm your device in any way and is a completely safe option. However, it's not guaranteed that you'll get the update after performing these steps.

For the more adventurous, the full factory images of Android 4.3 are also available through the Android Open Source Project online, on the Google Developers website. However, you'll need to flash these images manually using special tools and unless you're pretty sure of what you're doing, we'd recommend waiting for the official update to hit your device.

Hugo Barra, Vice President of Android product management at Google also announced that the stock Android Google editions of the Samsung Galaxy S4 and the HTC One would receive the update as well, though he did not specify a timeline

New Features of Android 4.3 Jelly Bean!

Google has announced the roll out of the next iteration of its Android operating system, dubbed as version 4.3, with the launch of its new Nexus 7 tablet. The new version will be called 'Jelly Bean' and would actually be the third version to carry the same tag after Android 4.1 and Android 4.2. The latest update comes about nine months after Google introduced Android 4.2.However as suggested by previous leaks, the new Android version doesn't bring a big makeover and comes with a few major features. The new OS is being rolled out first to Google's Nexus range of devices including the original Nexus 7, Nexus 4, Nexus 10 tablet and will ship with the new Nexus 7. We take a look at its new features.

1. Restricted profiles

Google added multi-user profiles in the last iteration of Android and it seems the search engine giant wants to enhance that experience through restricted profiles. With the new feature, users can restrict app usage and content consumption on an Android device. So you'll be able to set profiles for each user of the device in case of multiple users. For instance, parents can control what apps or games their kids have access to on their tablets. However, it's worth pointing out that the new restricted feature is only available on Android tablets.

2. Bluetooth Smart Ready

Google seems to be making way for wearable technology by introducing the Bluetooth Smart Ready feature in Android 4.3. Devices running Android 4.3 will now support low-energy Bluetooth Smart accessories like heart rate monitors, pedometers, thermometers and many others. Users can now sync the low energy devices without these affecting the battery usage of the device, as per Google. This feature was missing on Google's mobile operating system, till now. This would also make way for Android friendly wearable tech.

3. Dial-pad Autocomplete

Android 4.3 now adds the autocomplete feature in the dial-pad suggesting contact names or phone numbers when users start keying-in something. This is not a new feature as OEMs like Samsung and HTC had already introduced this feature on to their UI skins running on top of Android, but devices running stock Android were missing it. Users can initiate the feature by going to the app settings and enabling 'Dial Pad autocomplete'

4.Notification Access

The Notification bar has been a popular feature on Android and with Android 4.3, you can control and interact with the status bar notifications. This would allow users to control how notifications are pushed to the primary and connected devices(smart watches, fitness bands). Users will also be able to see all the notifications at one place.

5. OpenGL ES 3.0

If you are a gaming junkie, the new update will definitely excite you. This feature would let Android devices render high quality graphics in games and other apps. Google claims that Android 4.3 supports the new version of the industry standard for high performance graphics. Google also gave a demo of a game showing detailed textures, lens flare, and reflections. This was missing in Android 4.2.

6. Simplified Setup Wizard

Android Jelly Bean now supports corrections to user inputs while signing-in to the device, the first time. This is due to more streamlined user agreements. Now a user can change the information that was keyed-in during the first boot of the device. Google has also introduced faster user switching from the lock screen in case of multiple users.

7. Bluetooth AVRCP

Google devices running Android 4.3 Jelly Bean can sync with Bluetooth enabled car stereos and offer additional functionality. The Bluetooth AVRCP 1.3 version allows stereos to display metadata such as song names when music is being streamed from an Android 4.3 device.

8. Location accuracy features via Wi-Fi scan only mode

Google has now increased the location accuracy of Android devices by allowing location scanning via Wi-Fi.
It now allows apps to get location data through Wi-Fi even when Wi-Fi is set to off and not being used for data access.

9. Keyboard & input

Android 4.3 comes with an upgraded algorithm for tap-typing recognition that makes text input easier while chatting via messages or even while composing emails. It also brings a new emoji keyboard, which we've previously seen in iOS. The update also adds lower latency input for gamepad buttons and joysticks.

10.Hindi support lands on Android 4.3

Google has introduced native local language support to its operating system for Africaans, Amharic, Hindi, Swahili and Zulu. Hindi has finally reached the stock Android operating platform.
With the update, Google has also added support for Hebrew and Arabic (right-to-left) in the home screen, Settings, Phone, People, and Keep apps.

Bonus - New Camera UI

Android 4.3 also offers a new updated Camera app that features a new arch based menu which makes it easier to control and switch camera settings.

79 Percent of Mobile Malware Targets Android!

An overwhelming 79 percent of all mobile malware threats target devices running Google's Android operating system, according to a joint unclassified memo from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice.

"Android is the world's most widely used mobile operating system and continues to be a primary target for malware due to its market share and open source architecture," notes the July 23 memo[PDF], which was obtained and published online by the website Public Intelligence.

In comparison, just 0.7 percent of mobile malware is designed to take advantage of Apple's iOS, according to the document, which cites data from 2012. Another 19 percent targets Nokia's aging Symbian platform while 0.3 percent affects Windows Mobile and BlackBerry, and the remaining 0.7 percent takes advantage of other mobile operating systems.

A major part of the problem on Android is that so many users are running old versions riddled with security vulnerabilities. The memo cites industry stats finding that 44 percent of Android users were running Android Gingerbread (version 2.3.3 through 2.3.7), which was released in 2011 and contains a number of flaws that were patched in more recent versions.

Google's Android 4.3: What's New?

The problem isn't quite that extreme anymore, as some users have updated to newer versions since those numbers were released. Even so, as of Google's most recent stats, Gingerbread was running on 33.1 percent of Android devices while the even older Android Froyo, Eclair, and Donut versions together accounted for 3.8 percent.

"The growing use of mobile devices by federal, state, and local authorities makes it more important than ever to keep mobile OS patched and up-to-date," the memo states.

Nearly half of the malicious apps circulating today on older Android OS devices are SMS text message trojans, which send messages to premium-rate numbers without the user's consent, resulting in "exorbitant charges." Other known security threats facing mobile devices include rootkits, which silently log a user's location, keystrokes, and passwords, and fake Google Play domains, which are set up by crybercriminals to trick users into installing malware.

How to Redirect Blogger Blog to Another URL !

We can redirect blogger blogs to another blog url i.e to the another domain name. Suppose if you want to  redirect your blogger blog to your another blog url, this posts will help you. With single tag we can  redirect blogger  blog  url to another.

Follow below   steps to redirect Blogger blog to another URL

Step 1 : Go to blogger dashboard

Step 2 : Click on  template 

Step 3 : Click on edit HTML

Step 4 :  Search <head>  Tag

Add below code into your template just after the <head> tag.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://yourblogname"/>

It should Look Like This.

<meta http-equiv="refresh"content="0;url=http://yourblogname"/>

Step 5 : Click on Save template.

Replace Yourblogname with your blog url in the step 4 to which you want to redirect form blogger blog. Like this you can redirect your blogger blog to any another domain.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2014!


Install Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 Trial

The first thing I have to do is install the 30 trial day of Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 or AntiVirus 2014. So, click one of the next buttons to chose what product you prefer. When you click it. it will start downloading the Setup. When completed, run the .exe file and install it.

Download : Kaspersky Internet Security 2014
Download : Kaspersky AntiVirus 2014 

Download : Kaspersky Serial Keys

Activating 3 months trial

The Kaspersky that you installed in your PC, only has 30 days to use. But I have one good new. There is available a key that provides you 91 days trial. How I do that?
→ Click in Enter activation code
→ Click in Activate application
→ Enter the next code. Select it, right-click, Copy. Then in KIS windows, right-click in box and Paste
The code is: QCGUH-J8FF6-33WGA-UBY62
→ Click Activate
→ Wait a moment ... when done it will appear a message saying that activation was successfully done. You have now 91 days to use Kaspersky.

After 91 days ...

Now is time to use a Trial Reset program. Before you download it, you may disable the Kaspersky Protection. For that, right-click in Kaspersky icon in notification area like the next image. It will make appear a context menu. Click Pause Protection. It will appear a new window. Select the first option and then more than 5 minutes. You can also chose the third option Pause. Is the same. Click in Pause Protection button

Now, we have to disable the Self-Defence
In the main window, go to Settings < Additional < Self-Defense
Uncheck the box and click Accept in the MessageBox that will show up.
Right-click in Kaspersky icon in notification area like the next image. It will make appear a context menu. Click Exit.

Before you continue, save and close all your work
Now we are ready to reset the trial of Kaspersky. Download the activator here, unzip and run the .exe file
Remember it must be run as administrator. The activator is in russian but no problem. Is easy :)
Click the first button like in image. It will appear a MessageBox. When you click YES and Windows will restart.

Now that windows restarted, open the Main Window of Kaspersky. It will say that you don´t have a licence. Easy! Paste again the key of 91 days trial and you will get it again. Follow the steps I showed in Activating 3 months trial section.

Best Youtube Downloader | 15 Best Ways to Download Youtube Videos!

Watching videos online is one of the most beloved activity one does on internet. And everybody has a specific website on which he or she watches videos regularly. The most common websites being Youtube, MegaVideo, MetaCafe, Dailymotion, Veoh, Vimeo etc. But watching videos online can be a daunting task if your internet connection speed is not up to the mark.

Would not this be an terrific idea to first download those video clips with best youtube downloader at that point and see videos like you would see a complete motion picture, without hindrances? The website does not get an inbuilt download buttons yet that does not matter, given that we have actually collected 15 Ways to download youtube videos when it comes to practically every achievable system.

Download via Website Solutions:

Exactly ought to operate a short download? Attempt these couple of internet downloaders where all you ought to carry out is actually placing the video clip LINK in search box and you will get download links.


Simply get the video clip LINK (online video’s web page address / URL) as well as click on the Download tab. You will certainly at that point be asked a variety of layouts the online video that you can download, with all their download web links. Go to on the proper web link as well as the online video will certainly have that downloaded.


SaveVid is actually an internet downloader which sustains downloading video clips through numerous other online video streaming web sites. The procedure of downloading is actually straightforward: enter into the video recording’s web page LINK in the input field and press Download button. You’ll observe the download choices– go on to your preference style and download the videos.


The procedure of installing video clips through ClipNabber is actually exact same as others : enter the video URL web page in the input area and press the button Nab! You’ll observe the several styles the video clip could be actually downloaded in. Pick your beloved style and it begins installing the video file.


Only like KeepVid, you require to insert the online video’s webpage URL with in the input (LINK) area on the internet site and also press a download button. You will be able to likewise produce a simple download links simply by placing in face of any kind of LINK to download the online video of the webpage.

Download via Internet browser Extensions / Plugins:

There are actually lots of internet browser resources that can easily assist you install your video clips really quick. There is actually no need change your web browsers to make use of these since we have all major browsers covered. Associate is actually an internet tool and also a web browser extension which aids individuals download video recordings through a variety of websites. Having this extension mounted in your web browser, you simply should start the video recording’s webpage and also select the expansion tab (existing near top-right of the web browser).

This will definitely start a brand-new webpage about the online video’s download web links in different formats. This is actually readily available online and also when it comes to:

FastestTube places a Download tab below the online video. A menu selection shows up when selecting this, which presents various formats. You can select the video recording format and also download will definitely begin!

This is actually obtainable in different browsers:


(Safari) YouTube5 is actually a downloader when it comes to the Safari web browser which alters the default YouTube player, and also improves the online video encounter simply by giving some cold things like quantity command button, potential to shift resolutions within the user, downloading online videos, and many more.

You will be able to download video clips simply by clicking the online video resolution received the participant.

4.Video DownloadHelper

(Firefox) DownloadHelper is actually a Firefox addon which enables you to download online videos as well as photos through a lot of websites incorporating YouTube, The search engine Videos, DailyMotion, and many more. This extension enable to likewise transform downloaded video recordings to your favourite layout.

When DownloadHelper senses that a website possesses information that could be installed, its image animates as well as you may hit the image and also opt for the proper alternative through the menu selection.

5.FVD Rooms

(Internet Explorer) A great YouTube video downloader when it comes to IE, FVD Collection includes a tab to the toolbar of the web browser.

Download videos is actually very simple: open up the video clip web page and hit the tab. Decide on the format and also savor checking out the downloaded online video.

6.Video clip Download

(Internet Explorer) Video Download, an additional downloader beneficial to Internet Explorer, includes an alternative direct inside the (right-click) context menu.

Grabbing videos clips is actually just a simple right-click upon whatever online video link. After that, all in all one must perform is decide on the alternative to grab that online video.

Download From Desktop

Are you a hefty downloader of videos through YouTube or perhaps through other video web sites on the market? Go to the desktop downloaders that will certainly have the ability to satisfy the majority of, otherwise all, of your video installing necessities.

(Win) This video downloader is actually a device when it comes to downloading and install videos through much more than 60 video internet sites featuring YouTube. You exactly must insert the video’s URL in the input profession and also decide on the download superior (or perhaps layout) as well as click the Download button.

This able to even switch the downloaded videos in to different video styles. This is actually offered when it comes to Windows.

2.Fastest YouTube Downloader

(Win, Mac) In requirement when it comes to rate when this relates to downloads? You must provide this a try. This is actually the best YouTube downloader which declares that this ams able to download, when it comes to a costs rate, 100x faster compared to typical download rates.

This can easily download videos as well as transform all of them into MP3 or even numerous video layouts of your option. There is actually additionally a cost-free model and also a qualified variation. This is actually obtainable when it comes to Windows and also Mac Operating System.

Best Youtube Downloader for Mobile Devices

Downloads are actually not just when it comes to netbooks or perhaps personal computers. You can easily additionally download videos to see on your mobile phones and also tablet computers.


(iOS) TubeBox is actually a total attribute iOS client when it comes to YouTube and also DailyMotion. You’ll come to be a follower of TubeBox also if you savor checking out videos on these 2 websites.

TubeBox allows you download YouTube videos straight in to your phone or perhaps iPad. Additional over, this holds overview playback, HD layouts, as well as offline video having fun.


(Android) TubeMate is actually another top YouTube downloader when it comes to the Android program. Making use of TubeMate, you am able to effortlessly explore and also download YouTube videos precisely your Android equipment without the necessity of a COMPUTER. This application is actually very easy as well as basic to utilize.

(Android) WonTube may be made use of to download YouTube videos on your Android phone or perhaps tablet computer. WonTube possesses an in-app web browser where you may surf YouTube videos and also hunt videos. To download a video, open up the video’s webpage in WonTube and click the download button.